Category Archives: Customer Experience

Customer Experience

IBM’s Watson Turning to Social Media to Predict Pretty Much Everything

IBM has turned Watson’s attention to social media. Apparently the company is exploring ways for its super-intelligent computer to monitor what you’re doing at all times (if you want it to), and thus predict anything…

Top 3 Don’ts on Running a Successful Responsive Web Design Project

by Caitlin Roberts As a kid, I used to hold out my hand and shout ‘TIP?’ to my Mom when I did something she asked me to. She always replied: ‘Of course!’ She would then…

Infographic Alert: Cyber Monday 2013’s Record Breaking Results

Retailers this year had a much more challenging holiday season than in years’ past. Losing six days in the holiday season forced online retailers to get “creative” as they started to roll out their major…

Study: Slow Network Speed Equals Bad Brand Perception

If you thought your customers were cutting you a break over the slower speeds you’ve had this holiday season, you’re wrong. “Oh, but they understand this is a busy time,” you might have hoped. Nope….

Retailers with the Best Black Friday thru Cyber Monday Service

StellaService has released statistics about the top performing retailers from Black Friday through Cyber Monday, and the results aren’t all that surprising, but still no less interesting. Many of the retailers turning up in their…