Category Archives: Video
Video Alert: Bloomreach on How to Win the ‘Relevance Race’
We all know the fact: in today’s digital world, consumers are being bombarded with information. In the midst of all the clutter of info, it can be really hard for consumers to find relevant content…
Video Alert: How NARS Got Bennies of Responsive Design without a Site Redesign
When cosmetics company, NARS, recognized that it needed to address mobile, the French company quickly decided that it wanted a lot, and fast. With very strict brand guidelines (all creative must be approved by the…
Video Alert: AT&T on Being Customer-Obsessed (not just Customer-Centric)
The thing about being customer centric in 2013 is that it’s really not enough anymore. Today, in an age of omni-channel marketing, we need to do more. We need to be customer-obsessed. That was the…
BrightTag Says Omni-Channel About Organizing Around Outcomes, Not Channels
“We’ve always been organized around the notion of a channel; ‘I have a mobile team, an e-commerce team, a bricks and mortar team,’” said Mike Sands, CEO, BrightTag. “What omni-channel is about is organizing around…
Hybris Says: Stop Thinking Just Big Data – Think Small Data Too
Rick Chavie, VP of OmniCommerce for Hybris, said that retailers today shouldn’t get too bogged down in the idea of big data, for fear they might forget the opposite: small data. “People are starting to…
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