Category Archives: Personalization

Video Interview: Jack Kiefer,, on new ways e-retailers must think now

While search is still important for e-retailers to focus on and understand, they really need to look ahead past just search, says Jack Kiefer, founder of are plenty of other topics that need addressing…

Big network night tonight – what will it mean for online TV watchers & advertisers?

If you’re a TV junkie, tonight might be a big night for you as season premieres will be flooding the major networks. If you’re like me – you don’t have a TV. You watch online….

Josh Himwich on innovative strategies at

Josh Himwich, Director of e-Commerce Solutions for talked to us at eTail and also to the wonderful video producers over at Scribe Media. The Scribe interview came out a little better so we’re going to…

Personalization in advertising: friend or foe?

Interesting take on the idea of personalization and re-marketing that we keep going on about. When can/does it become too much to handle? How can an e-retailer avoid it being too noticeable to the consumer and…

Video interview: Jana Eggers – How to use customer-generated content to build your brand

When you run a site where virtually all the product you’re selling is created by your customers, you have to be pretty savvy about what they’re posting and how they’re using your site. But according…