Tag Archives: online commerce
Video interview: Brandon Proctor, Build.com, on how to make sense of data
It’s easy to get bogged down in data when you’re trying to measure your website’s traffic, visitors, what clicks are most important, etc. At eTail East this year, speakers discussed this issue, including Brandon Proctor,…
Personalization in advertising: friend or foe?
Interesting take on the idea of personalization and re-marketing that we keep going on about. When can/does it become too much to handle? How can an e-retailer avoid it being too noticeable to the consumer and…
What will growing attention to online content do for your e-commerce site?
More companies are starting to submit to the power of online content. Not long ago, it would have been a dream to imagine streaming, free TV over the web. Now networks are almost expected to…
Nordstrom taking cues from Luxury Interactive?
I remember sitting in on some presentations and panels at the recent Luxury Interactive event in NYC and hearing people talk about better aligning your e-commerce site with your brick and mortar stores to drive…
Video interview: Jana Eggers – How to use customer-generated content to build your brand
When you run a site where virtually all the product you’re selling is created by your customers, you have to be pretty savvy about what they’re posting and how they’re using your site. But according…
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