Leadership Tip of the Day: Do Less Better

My back to school resolution this year (and yes, I still make them though I’ve been out of school for what seems like ages) is to avoid initiative overload.

At times I feel like our team has 100 initiatives. That’s not the reality, but there are the main priorities, and the sub-priorities, then the process changes and the cross-departmental projects…it’s enough to make us crazy!

This school year, I want for us to do less, better. To do less things more effectively. To engage in the right activities with more focus. To send a few less emails with better subject lines. To get away from a quantity and task based mentality. To get at the essence of what we’re trying to accomplish.

If you find yourself feeling an initiative overload, take a step back and look at your team’s priorities. Pull out those that everyone can get behind, and use those as the drivers of communication, innovation and advancement.

If you don’t feel the initiative overload, ask a key team member. Their answer may very likely be different than yours!