Tag Archives: mobile optimization

Paydunk on Creating Quick, Easy Mobile Checkout Experiences

As mobile traffic continues to grow, ecommerce companies are expanding the ways that they accommodate their customers, creating more engaging and simple to use mobile formats. Paydunk explains how mobile purchasing can be smoothed out…

You Can Still Get it There In Time: Last Minute Ways to Optimize Mobile for the Holidays

By Ken Burke With retail’s most important revenue months just weeks away, you know you need to do something now; and you can. Developing your responsive mobile site requires careful attention and keen strategy. For…

Top speed hacks for better mobile experiences

By Ken Burke, Founder and CEO, MarketLive Of all the ways to make your web site more accessible to mobile customers, perhaps nothing is more important than upload speed. Improving SEO so more visitors find…

Criteo’s Jason Morse on Optimizing your Mobile Web Strategy

Check out Jason Morse’s full presentation from eTail West! It’s packed full of insights on how to fine tune your brand’s mobile strategy, straight from the former Google employee and current VP of Mobile Products…

Silverpop’s Loren McDonald Solves the “Smartphone Paradox”

There is no disputing that smartphones have become powerful shopping tools. But the real question is whether they are powerful buying tools. I recently caught up with Loren McDonald, VP of Industry Relations for Silverpop,…