Tag Archives: eCommerce

Schools adopting mobile technology?

I read an interesting press release about a week or two ago and it took some time to process but then it hit me as something really cool – teachers using mobile phones to teach….

Video interview: Bill Pryor’s one-minute description of why & how you need to listen to online customers

Bill Pryor, COO, Shoebuy.com, talks about why it’s so important to listen to your customers. Watch a brief (very brief, we’re talking one-minute) clip of him talking about that here: And the blog post that…

Twitter ads and online privacy – where’s this all going for online marketers?

For the longest time we’ve been wondering: how is Twitter going to monetize what it’s doing. We mean really monetize…as in ads – definitive money making. Apparently, as this article states, the company is getting…

Podcast Alert: Andrew Koven, Steve Madden, on mobile site musts and how to bring social into the mix

Andrew Koven has been in the e-commerce biz for a while. That’s an understatement – he’s pretty much one of it’s originators (that doesn’t make him old – this industry is still a baby). He’s…

Oh tablets – how you have reemerged

When you think about it, the idea for a hand-held device more sophisticated than a notebook and pen is not new. Consider the Etch A Sketch, with its safely contained aluminum powder and fancy white…