Category Archives: Mobile

Will the iPhone 5C Cannibalize the iPhone 5S?

How many people are ordering Apple’s new iPhone 5C? As noted by CNET, Apple hasn’t released data on the number of iPhone 5C units it presold in the device’s first 24 hours of availability—a first for the iPhone since 2009. Why is that? Reporter…

Apple Gives Us Colors & Finger Print Scanner…but Do We Care?

Apple‘s product launches traditionally come cloaked in secrecy and mystery, with tech writers generating novels worth of speculations around what the next intro will look like, what it will do and how people will respond….

2 Essential Attitudes to Mobile Strategy

by Greg Ashton 1) Mobile is not a technology. It’s a behavior. Understanding how consumers interact, from discovery, conversion and delivery, to product use experience and repurchase, is a critical element of mobile strategy. Platforms…

Creativity & Collaboration: How Warby Parker Became (Almost) a Household Name

In his session at eTail East 2013, Tim Riley, Director of Online Experience at Warby Parker, explained how the incredibly successful online eyeglass boutique was born and continues to rapidly expand. The room was packed…

iPhone 6 Release Date, Price and Specs ‘Rumour Roundup’

HARDWARE DESIGNER Apple’s iPhone 5S or iPhone 6, depending on which name the firm goes for, is arguably the most hotly anticipated smartphone of the year, and will signal the firm looking to steal back marketshare from the likes of Samsung’s Galaxy…