A Device for The Truly Photo-Obsessed

A new little device called Memoto is making those of you who truly want to take photos of everything, very happy.

Memoto is a wearable “lifecam” recently featured on Kickstarter and getting attention from the Instagram-obsessed set. The little 1.4-inch square clips to your shirt and automatically takes photos…all day…every day. It’s something the company calls “life logging.” Too much for you? Move on. Intrigued? Read more…

The design of the little cam is such that when you want to take photos, you clip it on, when you want privacy, you just take it off or stick it in your pocket. Memoto takes two 5 megapixel, geo-tagged shots each minute, or 2,880 photos each day, by default. Since that’s too many to share, too many to sort through and even too many to save for that long, the camera comes with app support that lets you upload to a cloud service to then be auto-sorted.

The big question seems to be whether people really want to log their lives in pictures. It’s an idea that seems to have arisen from the Instagram boom where users seem to feel that everything is shareable and worthy of social recognition. For those folks, Memoto will surely be a hit. But are there enough of them?

The product is currently on pre-order but will be shipping in April. Pay attention to your Instagram feeds and see if you start getting a whole lot more photo-streams of irrelevant life events…maybe it will mean the idea is working…