Top Tweets from NRF’s BIG Show

Now that the crazed fervor of NRF’s Big Show is done, we thought we’d do a little review of the best bits and bobs gleaned from the event – and what better place to gather such information than good old Twitter. Here are a few great tweets and some of our own!

  1. @RetailsBIGShow Cool infographic: Midway through the event, an #nrf14 Twitter snapshot. Thanks @pointmarc! 
    @eTailNews Everything in tech to date has been one of two things-they counted things-or they were programmable-the third will be the cognitive era-#IBM
  2. @marketingcloud A Snapshot of the State of #Marketing in 2014 (As Told by 2,500 Marketers) #nrf14
  3. @IBMResearch In-store analytics actually happening in the store w/ Presence Zones  #ibmresearch #nrf14
  4. @ibmretail Why retailers should be investing more in their post purchase brand experience  #SmarterRetail #nrf14
  5. @VZWnews Retailers seamlessly integrate customers’ in-store, online & mobile shopping experiences  @VZWkaren #nrf14
    @eTailNews Globalization increases risk so keep your eye on the home market and the brand. #NRF14
  6. @tamicann “Information is our generation’s natural resource” #IBM CEO Ginni Rometty #NRF14
  7. @McK_MktgSales [Dear etailers, do better.] Shipping issues represent almost 1/2 of the reasons ppl do not shop online  #nrf14
  8. @GlobalRetail IBM CEO Ginni Rometty says cloud will be all about the business model not technology. #NRF14 #ibmretail
    @eTailNews Millennials will give you information but they want something in return #NRF14 @IBM
  9. @tamicann Watch @GinniRometty‘s keynote on demand after the show:  #nrf14
  10. @MozuCommerce Limitless Commerce is now a reality. Stop by Booth 707 for a demo of our revolutionary commerce platform. #nrf14
  11. @OracleRetail 10 Technology Trends That Will Revolutionize Retail (via Forbes OracleVoice blog)  #NRF14
  12. @krispykreme It’s a delicious way to enjoy #NRF14 RT @mataylor67: #NRF14 more doughnuts @krispykreme must love it
  13. @Ogilvy Whether it’s online or offline, make your customers (& prospects) feel welcome. It’s about winning hearts, not wallets. #NRF14 / #OgilvyNRF
    @eTailNews Whatever time you’re spending on mobile, data, etc…it’s not enough @IBM #NRF14
  14. @retailgeek Consumers don’t GO shopping anymore, they are ALWAYS shopping – CEO @JDASoftware #NRF14
  15. @McK_MktgSales “We’re talking about $1.2T per year spent on products that people discovered.”  #nrf14 @nfranchet
  16. @MSFTDynamics RT @msretail “By connecting and unifying the customer experience across devices, everyone wins  #NRF14 #retail
  17. @sophieschwartz Shoppers want personalized offers – 1/2 don’t get them & 3/4 don’t feel rewarded by Loblaw’s #NRF14
    @eTailNews A skeptical public will establish affinity with companies who are transparent. #ibm #NRF14
  18. @RebeccaMinkoff So excited to have shared the stage for #NRF14 with @PowerLunch @Nordstrom @sprinklescandac @RickCarusoLA
  19.  @GiltAlexandra Did you know that there hasn’t been a new indoor mall built in the USA since 2006? #NRF14\