The mobile revolution is over – welcome to the mobile society

The mobile revolution is over: smartphones and tablets have won. Welcome to the mobile society. If we needed any more proof of the ubiquity and ascendancy of mobile devices, analytics company ComScore has provided it in the form of their latest digital engagement report. That report found that mobile devices now account for 60% of all digital media interactions, and that more than half of all time spent on digital devices is now spent on mobile apps. According to ComScore, the shift to mobile has taken place at varying speeds for different content categories. Internet radio, instant messengers, and social networking are among the categories that have experienced the fastest move to mobile. In fact, the data shows that 71% of social networking engagement now comes from mobile platforms. Unsurprisingly, Facebook not only leads this category, but stands as the top overall mobile property, accounting for nearly a quarter of all time spent on mobile devices. Share-of-Time-Spent-by-Platform-Leading-Categories_referenceBut these findings have significance far beyond our newsfeeds. For online retailers and advertisers, the message is clear: if you want to connect with consumers, you have to meet them in mobile spaces. As desktops become increasingly anachronistic for today’s on-the-go digital users, mobile optimized websites, email, and apps will be essential tools for businesses to engage with and court consumers. Unfortunately, the hard truth is that many retailers don’t have mobile-specific marketing strategies in place, and even fewer are seeing substantial mobile conversions. Perhaps it’s the relative novelty of mobile advertising that is holding retailers and businesses back. Certainly, it can no longer be argued that mobile traffic is not high enough to justify expenditures on mobile marketing. Even mobile commerce, while only a small percentage of all online sales, continues to grow rapidly. Mobile, long alluded to as the next frontier for sales and marketing, is no longer a gleaming opportunity somewhere out on the horizon; it is here in full force. As businesses learn to adapt their messages and capabilities to mobile devices, mobile will only grow faster.

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