Infographic Alert: The Joy of Clicking

Time for another infographic before we head of for a weekend of BBQing, sunning, swimming and hopefully general fun-having as we wave goodbye to summer oh so soon. (Which, by the way, I would like to note, is NOT over after this weekend. The OFFICIAL end of summer is not until September 21, thank you very much.)

Either way, infographics are always fun – especially fun when your brain is beginning its slow but steady three-day turn off and can’t grasp too many big words. We will try to spare you. Instead we’ll let you look at pretty pictures about clicking behavior in ecommerce. A few highlights from this graphic, brought to us by Baynote:

– In Q4 of 2012, the percentage of total ecommerce dollars spent via mobile devices was 3%. In Q4 of 2011 it was 9%. In Q1 of 2012, it was 8%. What is this trend telling us, if anything?
86% of online shoppers are satisfied with their experience. Not too shabby retailers!
28% of customers ranked free shipping on orders over $50 as one of the top incentives that would get them to return to a website to purchase
– A coupon for 3 – 5% off a forthcoming order was only enticing to 11% of those surveyed

Enjoy the rest of the infographic below!