3 Tricks for Writing Product Descriptions that Create Conversions

By Andrew Greissman


Figure out what your customers want to know, and then highlight that information right off the bat. 

A product description is an interesting amalgam of unsentimental fact and the reasons why the product in question will be great for the end consumer. In today’s commercial environment, customers have more information and more options open to them than ever before. This means that if they perceive that their time is being wasted or they can’t find the information that they are looking for right when they want it, they are very likely to go somewhere else where they feel that their needs are being better met. For this reason, you should write your product descriptions with your customers need to know questions already in mind. What is the journey a customer is taking to arrive at your product page, and what questions will they think of on the way that they’d like to know as soon as a product catches their eye? Answers to the first questions your customers are likely to ask about your product should be highlighted and at the forefront of your product description before you incorporate a hook or call to action into the copy.

Keep it short and sweet. 

A product description is a short window into what problems a product is meant to solve and why it is the best option for solving it. It is not a three act play where dueling features jockey for a spot among the top forty reasons to buy. Generally, you should include the most important features and integral functions of your product, and maybe a few potential uses that highlight what makes it great, but going beyond that can become excessive and make your customer lose interest before they make it to a call to action or purchasing button. A short, yet informative description that addresses major questions and highlights key strengths is enough to demonstrate the value of your product in a confident and concise manner.

Personalize the call to action. 

Here’s where analytics and targeting come in to play to create the sale. The more personalization that you are able to incorporate into the ecommerce experience, the better. Tracking visitor movement through a site, keeping tabs on their previously viewed and purchased products, and learning as much as possible about their demographics and market segments they fall in to affords the opportunity for calls to action to be customized depending on paths to a landing page. A customized call to action can be A/B tested or managed using browser cookies, but any way it is implemented it is a strong tool for bringing a personal feel to the online shopping experience and allowing customers to feel that they are truly getting the products that they are looking for.


Author Bio
Andrew Greissman is a digital content manager for WBR Digital. Andrew’s writing background spans genres and formats from poetry and magazine writing to website copy and press releases. When not writing, Andrew enjoys travel, good food and reading books. 

Photo credit: Fosforix


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